My husband and I have difficulty in conflict. In real life (when we were together as a married couple), Psycho tried to destroy me with all types of abuse. It is not healthy, and it is not fair. PTSD & CPTSD. This story sounds really awful, and one thing you said reminded me of an article that I just read on Henry Cloud’s Boundaries site: May God bless all that you do. Confronting sin and hurt is not bitterness. I really feel our situation is hopeless because my husband won’t return to counseling and I won’t return home because I don’t want to be in the same cycle again. That is someone who does not love me. When we call PTSD Soldier’s Heart, it honors the weight and … We grab hold of Jesus Christ, and we learn and grow strong. C-PTSD is NOT a personality disorder. “emotional abuse is a covert kind of physical abuse rendered all the worse for the fact that it cannot be proven by the victim.” I have never thought of it that way. He STILL feels entitled to meet all his “needs” with my body, guilting me, using my tender heart against me. Maybe they are hypersensitive and unreasonable. That’s not what yours does. And while many would say that the spirit cannot be wounded, it is definitely possible to split off from conscious awareness of the spirit. We learn to tolerate the disapproval of men in order to gain the approval of our Heavenly Father. Warning Signs of Spiritual Abuse, Part One By Mike Fehlauer Pastor, Author, Director of Foundation Ministries. He’s an abusive man who dominates his wife. Repeated desperate search for a rescuer – someone who will listen and validate their experiences – the feeling that unless someone else believes them, it can’t be true. The essence of the spiritual life is to stay connected to the sacred place within that holds the memory of wholeness, peace and balance for us, no matter how far our hearts or minds may be pulled. Question: "What does the Bible say about PTSD?" I admit I am not completely innocent in past of not retaliating. PTSD 101 for Journalists; Three Acts of Trauma News; Survivors and the Media. I have circled and circled and circled that horrible loop. 13. Viewed as less-than by virtue of her lack of a particular body part. Why Emotional and Spiritual Abuse Cause C-PTSD. The medication got me through the worst of my divorce/excommunication. As I’m learning to speak the truth to myself, with & through counseling, prayer, and research, I know that I my healing occurs as I acknowledge what I’m really, truly healing from. PTSD. I need an advocate so badly to defend me. I have been suffering from CPTSD for a lifetime. PTSD from domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), is particularly damaging. Thank you! Been getting them off and on for last couple years…I’m almost 50. Forgiveness is not synonymous with trust and reconciliation. PTSD is a difficult challenge that will require strong faith in God and willingness to persevere. ... 12 Signs Of PTSD … It can come from the slow drip of the stripping of your dignity that happens with spiritual abuse. Recovery is taking much longer than I expected, in part because both families, church & many friends/acquaintances took the abuser’s side. He hoovered 4-year saying that he thought God meant for us to be together. I praise & thank God that I was finally able to flee. [Resources] For Moms Raising Kids Who Have an Emotionally Abusive Dad, Biblical Divorce Resources for Christian Women in Abusive Marriages, Resources for Pastors, Clergy, and Helpers,, How Can I Be a Good Mom in an Abusive Marriage? (See my video below. Stephen A. Smith blogs about spiritual abuse at I am his precious child, and he loves me. It’s hard, it’s hurtful, it’s ugly. Mental health care providers may wish to consult with a pastoral care professional on the best ways to incorporate a survivor's spiritual beliefs and practices into treatment. It reminds me of my experience after leaving a spiritually abusive church. We would love to have you join us in learning the skills you need to become spiritually strong and emotionally healthy again. (Source). Sometimes it takes very little to rattle those chains. We ( the kids and I) often felt unease in our home due to always trying to make sure we followed the rules. He wrote an article called, “Crock Pot Trauma” that I recommend you take the time to read. Functions of Spiritual Rituals 8 IV. Spiritual Pain/Suffering Can be either Spiritual in Nature or be a Crisis of Faith. Part of the classification of post traumatic stress is the reaction to the traumatic event: While not every spiritual abuse victim suffers these symptoms, some do. That last bit nearly killed me until God thankfully led me to help in the alternative health field. Like this cartoon, spiritual abusers … Complex PTSD is less well understood. That was my final straw. Later, I came to salvation in Jesus, who comforted me in the midst of the crushing grief. What I’m hoping you’ll see is that PTSD doesn’t have to come from one powerfully traumatic experience. A good man is not what he is. Our kids don’t want me to go home and try anymore because they feel he is just to self centered. Spiritual Abuse Is As Serious As Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse. Our pastor equated flossing with spiritual maturity. I’m so glad to hear this. I went into shock when my 3 year old died suddenly. I matter to God. I hope you care for yourself enough to seek help. It begins by extensively examining the processes of denial and minimization that blunt our awareness about childhood trauma. These leaders are unquestionably harming people and creating havoc. It is the proverbial “death by a thousand cuts.” Built into all spiritual abuse is the low-grade trauma and ongoing damage done to the psyche of the followers involved. The ongoing challenge is the feeling of fighting with my own brain. Some abuse is spiritual abuse because it takes place in a spiritual place/context. SPIRITUAL PRACTICES from … Dear Tiffany, My heart goes out to you in the loss of your precious 3-year-old child. Submit a Comment Cancel reply. I currently opened a page as Pentecostal Survivor to address the life long trauma. I didn’t have panic attacks, but the services seemed superficial and inauthentic. In it they note that many Veterans have deeply held spiritual or religious beliefs that could increase their vulnerability to moral injury. Learn how your comment data is processed. It happens everyday to many people. This article is also helpful for identifying C-PTSD, which after 30 years of abuse, I am finally admitting and seeing. Broken Trust (overcoming spiritual abuse), Healing the Hurts of Your Past (overcoming shame), Stuck: How to Overcome Your Anger and Reclaim Your Life, Return From Exile: overcoming loss, failure, and personal setbacks, Out of Exile: A Forty Day Journey from Setback to Comeback. The second time, I hesitantly brought up emotional and spiritual abuse to the pastor in couples counseling. The loss of a child is a devastating blow. what about men? Name * Email * Website. SPIRITUAL PRACTICES from my book https: ... Healing practices for recovery from trauma and abuse Menu + × expanded collapsed. We are slowly trying to put our lives back together, but I am still facing the likelihood of having to surrender my credentials and ordination within this denomination if we don’t return in a couple of years. And my HR lady has seemed to have lost her patience with me. Some abuse is spiritual abuse because it invokes divine authority in order to manipulate people into performing behaviors which meet the needs of the abuser. Alternatively, you could encourage the survivor to consult directly with a pastoral care professional. We have tried this multiple times in past and things are better but then we get back into same cycles. Especially when I don’t know who to trust, or whether I’m overreacting or oversensitive (common accusations by hubs). Are night terrors a symptom of ptsd as well? Spiritual Abuse is real. (Park, Currier, Harris & Slattery 2017) This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. My husband STILL has no compassion, care, or concern for my health and wellbeing. Over a long period of time, their health can break down permanently, and this is why I continue to insist that emotional abuse is a covert kind of physical abuse rendered all the worse for the fact that it cannot be proven by the victim. Seeking truth is not bitterness. I know He will because you speak truth. God used that love to give me enough strength to take a step toward him and ask: What do you want me to do now? Asking for help is not bitterness. Complex PTSD and emotional abuse damage are hard to identify, which causes more problems for victims. One like him. Please note: there are some who CLAIM to be complementarian in their beliefs, and yet their marriages are functioning practically as egalitarian marriages. Some show signs of PTSD; for others, their deep sense of loss is the most painful. Are the Recommended resources: The Body Keeps the Score and The first time the biblical counselor told me I am a co-addict because my husband lied to me and was very successfully deceptive prior to marriage. … In the Old Testament, God spoke against those who operated in their own authority while abusing the very people they were to bless. Spiritual abuse is a form of emotional and psychological abuse. That led to this — my husband refused to have that kind of marriage. The nightmares finally stopped a few years after I fled. They have a father who will show them what kind of husband they should look for. People who are so wounded often have a great deal of difficulty asserting boundaries without feeling enormous guilt . I was so afraid of divorce– but I was not afraid of making my marriage an idol. Assessment of Spirituality 13 V. Types of Spiritual Coping Activities 17 ... trauma and child sexual abuse; or with many psychiatric patients who have been traumatized, ... that traumatized individuals who evidence persistent PTSD have an inability to develop a coherent recounting (narrative) of trauma They are being brainwashed with controlling propaganda, held against their will and told it’s good for them, put in a place of subservience with all their actions controlled by others, told their opinions are meaningless; their experiences rubbish, and dehumanized with no way out. I first feel validated and hopeful, feeling some clarity from the utter confusion inside my head from living with someone I have trusted my life with….who is now and has been abusing me for a very very long time. Fearing the Call by Jeanette Amlie. Your doctor may make a PTSD diagnosis if … Here are some of them: They experience physical health problems as a result of all this emotional disregulation in their lives as well. I am reading everything I can, and going to the Bible, to scholars who value women, and to secular sources who understand emotional/spiritual abuse and betrayal trauma. but spiritual abuse hits men hard too. One of the lessons is that post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more prevalent than you might realize among survivors of spiritual abuse. Whether your PTSD is from the trauma of war, a failed marriage, sexual abuse or rejection, the result is the same: loss of your true identity! The milk isn’t bad because I sniffed it and made a face. In the end, what we needed was to have health and truth and grace. However, we can glean much guidance from some indirect teachings in the Bible. I’m no longer on meds, but I recommend them for those who need them! The milk is bad because it’s bad. Thank you! Spiritual abuse happens to the soul, which primarily affects the mind—how a person thinks. But when people’s freedoms are restricted or violated, this is a subtle form of abuse. I thank God for leading me here, for the memory of my mother’s strength and courage and for the support I have received from all of the ladies at work who have helped me. Spiritual abuse and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We discussed how to talk to your kids about dating again as a widow, healing from spiritual abuse in the Church, PTSD, the Enneagram, and trauma & adoption. The use of spiritual truths or biblical texts to do harm is another form of spiritual abuse. Tag: PTSD. It is characterized by a systematic pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour in a religious context. Sometimes still go back into denial and I oftentimes wonder if maybe I’m the abusive one (also accusation by hubs, especially after I brought up spiritual abuse in pastoral counseling). --The idea of spiritual abuse is not a new phenomenon. Someday, I look forward to a future reunion with my son, who rests in the Care and Presence of Our King, along with your dear little one. I sure as heck realize I am suffering serious symptoms of fear, terror, anxiety, and depression. Your email address will not be published. They did this because almost every member of the congregation was traumatized when they entered the church building. Espcially triggered and experiencing most of them now With the most recent situation with a loved one(married to an Narcissist and whom has stubborn fleas). I’ve learned to keep my heart and opinions to myself. Anyone currently involved in a church where there is a toxic, narcissistic leader is consequently at risk. Denial is first explored in relationship to abuse, esp ecially verbal and emotional abuse, which then sets the stage for a more complete explication of the trauma of emotional neglect. Because I valued her more than I valued myself. It’s not your fault, no matter what others say or what you might feel. Dropping Out “I’ve treated a lot of Veterans with PTSD,” he said. Trying to heal is not bitterness. I am sorry for the pain you’re in, but the answer to what to do about your marriage isn’t in your power. This is a very helpful article. Spiritual Abuse. Then it’s words and the Bible that is used to blame me and vindicate himself. Spiritual abuse includes: - Causing sensations of fear or rejection as a result of not responding positively to the Gospel. Indeed, the church consulting agency that helped our church disband recommended that the church be shut down entirely. My husband does have a medical reason for some of his inability to control anger ( head injury) He says this is why he can’t remember things he says. They will go as far as telling everyone what they have done in order to get sympathy so they don’t look bad! I’m scared I’m going to lose my job. Complementarians assign primary headship roles to men and support roles to women—based on their interpretation of certain biblical passages. The target experiences spiritual abuse as a deeply emotional personal attack.” The “spiritual” aspect then is the context of the abuse… Allowing God’s words to wash over & fill me via scripture is so necessary. I want to see the truth. I’m in therapy for anxiety and depression. You need healing. He started dating a friend of mine that I cared dearly about and somehow that triggered me and I lost my mind because I couldn’t imagine her going through what I’m going through now. But as instantly as I feel hope that someone sees and understands what is really going on behind closed doors, the hand that once reached to lift me, quickly pulls away…I am left hurt, confused, and wondering if I am oversensitive, if maybe there is something wrong with me. In 2017 Ozanne presented a paper to the Royal College of Psychiatrists entitled Spiritual Abuse – The Next Great Scandal for the Church which set alarm bells ringing, not least because of the implied threat to criminalise those taught the Bible’s view on sexual morality and those who encouraged being baptised in the Spirit and charismatic gifts. We speak the truth out loud even though it makes people angry. Oh how I wish I would have believed that was enough for them. But if you want to regain wholeness, it’s imperative that you get very “selfish” right now and seek the healing you need. While spiritual abuse victims may or may not suffer physical abuse, their souls are torn and bleeding. We don’t wait for a rescuer. Thank you for this eye opening teaching about what Galatians is all about and what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. And your daughters do not have a good father, I’m sorry. when we are suffering from spiritual PTSD. What Kind of Woman Does an Abusive Man Target? When you said: He’s a good guy (and your pastor agrees). Add a latent Lyme infection that was triggered ten years ago from the stress of my marriage, and this is my life. I suffered emotional and spiritual abuse at the hands of a well-respected senior pastor as a member of his congregation and as an associate pastor at his church. Maybe they are the problem. And spiritual abuse happens when a leader with spiritual authority uses that authority to coerce, control or exploit a follower, thus causing spiritual wounds.” Many people have borrowed the definition of the term spiritual abuse , found in the book, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse , … Complex PTSD. But the truth is, I matter. Possibly both. Yet many of us still carry psychological chains. PTSD isn’t about consciously thinking about memories. I grew up afraid every day of my life, not knowing what each day would hold. Seeking help might even imply that your spiritual leaders are wrong, and you don’t want to make that accusation. But because she knew what it was, because I’d said what it was out loud, because I finally learned and spoke up, she was out by the time she was 19. But interestingly can remember things others say. You end up with more questions than answers and that is if you can stop blaming yourself as the entire church blames you and scapegoats you. by Natalie Hoffman | May 22, 2020 | 0 comments. In my last post, I mentioned five lessons I learned from spiritual abuse survivors in the writing of my new book, Broken Trust. Emotional and spiritual abuse is an epidemic in conservative Christian circles (as well as religions like Islam and Judaism) because of their misogynistic beliefs about women. We educate ourselves. But God is faithful, and each day we can choose to surrender to God’s love, battle the PTSD as best we can, and ultimately rest in God’s grace and compassion. Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD/CPTSD. For the past four years I have been slowly climbing out of this pit and having moments of clarity in the fog. •Effect sizes between spiritual support and PTSD are much smaller than those for relationships between PTSD and spiritual distress. God Bless! We figure out why it is that we think a body part makes some people “authority figures” over other people. I get accused of believing lies and assuming the worst. My prayer for the past four years has been for clarity. Physically faithful, gentle with our daughters, works hard and tries to give me a good life…as long as I don’t say anything he disagrees with or anything that feels like an attack to him. People who have lived through months or years of emotional neglect, bullying, domestic violence, disrupted attachment, humiliation or child abuse are more likely to develop this condition. I was so numb I couldn’t feel my face. A little background. Do you ever think that medication is necessary? I loved your perfume comment. My worst fear did happen– I’ve been divorced six years now. I choose freedom. I am still grieving the passionate, kind, gentle, naive and trusting girl I was before getting married. ~ Love never fails ~. It can occur when a person witnesses a terrifying or traumatic event such as a car accident, a murder, a fire, etc.. When the covenant has been broken over and over again with no repentance or action on the part of the one who repeatedly breaks the vows, the other party is free. He STILL insists on my body for sex, though he knows I cry as he is using my body, and he has seen me cry for days following these encounters. I’ve been to seek counseling three times within our church. Thread starter mbrady; Start date Jan 15, 2017; Status Not open for further replies. Thank you. Thank you for this post! We figure out where our faith traditions strayed from what the Bible teaches about humanity. Spiritual abuse is a thing. I am in a church that leans more “reformed” in it’s theology, though it doesn’t publicly identify as such, and my husband has been way into the major reformed teachers who teach male headship and female subordination. You don’t have one–I didn’t either. So frustrated because I really wanted to honor my marriage covenant but I mentally can’t go through it all again. But God has given me peace with my decision to divorce, I AM doing the right thing. That is against the will and plan of God. Spiritual Abuse; Poetry; My Grandfather My name is Heather Hammett, and I am a Complex-PTSD Survivor from severe childhood trauma and adult Spiritual Abuse. Written on Sep, 23, 2018 by Grace | No comments yet. “Often we treat our Veterans and Service Members with medication to help reduce symptoms like flashbacks or nightmares. Functions of Spiritual Rituals 8 IV. So when you have an uneven power dynamic in a marriage PLUS emotional abuse (and spiritual abuse if the husband or church are telling the woman she is at fault for pointing out the abuse) PLUS the teaching that divorce is wrong, and no matter what the “authority/husband” does to her, she is stuck in the marriage until she dies…. No matter how far away you get from them they will … This is what I experienced for the last 43 years from my mom. Here is a website specifically for men: But it occurs as a result of living with a personality disordered individual for a length of time. We all need to keep talking about these experiences so that others can figure out if this is something they have experienced! Both men AND women. C-PTSD is associated with sexual, emotional or physical abuse or neglect in childhood, intimate partner violence, victims of kidnapping and hostage situations, indentured servants, victims of slavery, sweatshop workers, prisoners of war, victims of bullying, concentration camp survivors, and defectors of cults or cult-like organizations. Spiritual struggle can result in greater levels of PTSD symptoms and complications on the path to recovery. Then as I was coming out of this fog I was listening to fearful preaching. Religious trauma is the resultant response people have to religious or spiritual abuse, and may include deep shame and self-loathing. And see this: He is not a good man. I was unable to attend worship services any place for five years, even though I tried many times to return. I am a survivor of complex and multiple trauma and abuse, who at the age of 40, began my healing journey. My daughter loved her dad. I eventually discovered several dozen other women and men in my former church had also been emotionally abused by this expert, covert narcissist pastor. I don’t know what to do about my marriage. To fight for what is right. It has also taught me how to overcome the lies that have kept me in the cycles of abuse throughout my life. It was a true refreshing blessing!!! Oh my goodness I fit under nearly all of these descriptors. It is the taking advantage of vulnerable and impressionable people looking for spiritual guidance and acceptance. And you are not oversensitive, you’re a human being who’s being treated awfully. Most of the abuse targets I work with have full blown cases of C-PTSD, and they are largely unaware of it. To do otherwise means that you believe you made the milk bad. It’s a very serious condition that requires outside help from a professional. They must be defective to have such an adverse reaction to a spiritual experience. It changed me. Those things will not change. I got out of and have been healing from an abusive marriage. This relates to repeated abusive and traumatic situations, often during childhood. I wrote about this HERE. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder as a result of experiencing a traumatic event such as being in war, sexual assault or abuse, witnessing a terrible event, death, bullying, and even insignificant events depending on how the event was interpreted. Thank you for bringing up this topic. What I find troubling is the guilt that often accompanies this experience. I tried to be the submissive christian wife, and never spoke a word against my husband to anyone for our entire marriage of almost 12 years, because then I would be gossiping and disrespectful. While doing my Ph.D. at Duke, I worked for a few years as a research associate at UNC (not as crazy as it sounds, we only really fight over basketball). Here is an excerpt from his article: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) classifies and describes various anxiety disorders, one of which is post traumatic stress. I joined the Flying Free support community about five months ago after leaving my husband of 26 years less than a week after losing my mother. It does us no good to sweep spiritual abuse under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen. I meet a guy at work I start dating him and 3 months and I feel like I’m with my ex all over again. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Organisations like the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS) have been raising the profile of SA and seeking to get it recognised as a legal category. Spiritual abuse destroys your relationship to God….and it destroys ones ability to be in a church. She was twelve years old when I looked at her and thought: If she winds up with someone like him, I will die. Loss of sustaining faith that borders on despair, Disconnection that alternates with feelings of terror and confusion (. Healing With Complex PTSD. Religious abuse is abuse administered under the guise of religion, including harassment or humiliation, which may result in psychological trauma.Religious abuse may also include misuse of religion for selfish, secular, or ideological ends such as the abuse of a clerical position. Within 5 months of marriage, I completely lost my health from trying to live with that man. These considerations have led me to a revised definition: “Spiritual abuse is a form of emotional and psychological abuse. [2] Situations involving captivity/entrapment (a situation lacking a viable escape route for the victim or a perception of such) can lead to C-PTSD-like symptoms, which include prolonged feelings of terror, worthlessness, helplessness, and deformation of one’s identity and sense of self.[3]“. By God bad because it takes place in a lot of ways hubs is a really good guy as. My page is attacked every time I make a PTSD diagnosis if … most spiritual practices also people! About it to tolerate the disapproval of men in order to get new and! Narcissist do not have a deeply damaging impact on those who need this support article. Different psycho-spiritual approach because PTSD is a form of spiritual abuse, please consider that you believe made..., it ’ s thoughts captive by trying to make that accusation help is knowing that ’. ; survivors and the toxic, narcissistic leader is consequently at risk PTSD!, etc you, not just verbal head nods in one direction or spiritual abuse ptsd ten... 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