During these years, she meets frequently with colleagues on Coruscant and their homeworlds, introduces fruitless measures to grant local systems relief from Imperial policies, and tries to place Senate oversights on Imperial operations. 1. Mon Mothma was ooit de jongste Senator in de Galactic Senate waar ze Chandrila vertegenwoordigde. Het opzeggen van haar functie in de senaat was de directe aanleiding voor de oprichting van de Rebel Alliance. Defense down from Wedge or % health damage from C3PO could come in handy here. Sep 7, 2007 6 min read. And there's that weird split plastic layer. S otcem, který byl republikovým vrchním soudcem, procestovala velkou část galaxie. Nadat verschillende acties van het Empire escaleerden, hield Mon Mothma zich niet langer stil en verweet ze Palpatine een 'liegende beul' te zijn in een openbare uitzending van het HoloNet. Ze werkte wel geregeld nauw samen met Leia Organa, de pleegdochter van Bail, zodat ze ooit haar functie zou kunnen overnemen. Enkele jaren later werd Mothma gewond in een aanslag van de gebrainwashte Brentin Wexley, maar ze overleefde de aanslag ondanks ernstige verwondingen. Meestal vertoefde ze in het gezelschap van een kleine groep sterk bewapende en beschermde schepen die haar van de ene plaats naar de andere vervoerden. She is one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, alongside Bail Organa, Garm bel-Ibis, Rahm Kota, and Starkiller. Mon Mothma not only represents Chandrila's interests in galactic affairs, but speaks out for the rights of individual local systems as Imperial policies begin depriving them of their rights to self-governance. Dit figuur is gemaakt door Kenner in 1998 en komt uit de Power of the Force collection figuren lijn. De Rebel Alliance Council was niet happig om ten strijde te trekken en op Scarif mogelijk heel de Alliance op te geven om daar de plannen van de Death Star te gaan stelen. 434 Views. I must return to Alderaan to inform my people that there will be no peace. Terwijl Bail en zijn dochter Leia in het openbaar bleven verschijnen, moest Mothma zich schuilhouden. Moving her arm up lifts the layer up and makes her look like she is being choked. Mon Mothma was eveneens betrokken als getuige in het onderzoek naar de dood van Onaconda Farr. Het zou haar laatste speech zijn geweest als Chief of State van de Rebel Alliance want tijdens de Battle of Endor versloegen haar troepen die van Palpatine. Carth - Mon Mothma would do a pretty good job at keeping debuffs off her allies, Zaalbar would be difficult to take out though due to his stacking armor. It was this opposition to authoritarianism that led Mothma to help form the Rebel Alliance. If that ability dealt no damage, the damage penalty is reduced to 45% less damage and that ally dispels all debuffs on the healthiest Rebel ally. Yet, whether or not Mon Mothma gets her own series, she'll always be a favorite in the eyes of many fans. Ze liet daarna het woord aan haar medewerkers Ackbar en Crix Madine. Mon Mothma werd geboren in 48 BBY in een welstellende en invloedrijke familie op de rustieke Core World Chandrila. Mon Mothma became an enemy of the Empire following her public condemnation of Palpatine. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Force Unleashed Campaign Guide, Affiliations: The Galactic Republic, The Rebel Alliance, The New Republic. Na de dood van Jyns vader, Galen Erso, diende een beslissing te worden genomen. A native of Chandrila, she was a female Human who served as an important political figure from the waning days of the Galactic Republic, one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chief of State of the New Republic. Bail Organa : Yes, I agree. Comment. Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia is a FANDOM Books Community. Mothma werd gekozen als het hoofd van de Alliance, zowel van de burgerlijke regering van de Alliance, maar ook van de militaire sectie. Jako jedna z nejmladších, poté ve svých 20 letech, nastoupila do republikového Senátu jako zástupce sektoru Chandrila. Mon Mothma was wel aanwezig tijdens de cruciale voorbereidingen op de Battle of Endor op Home One in 4 ABY waar ze uitlegde dat dit hét moment kon zijn om Palpatine uit te schakelen. Year released: 2009 Appears in set 7754-1, Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser- Limited Edition LEGO(R) Mon Mothma was a human female politician and revolutionary leader who served in the Galactic Senate and Imperial Senate as the representative of Chandrila, the leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the f Mon Mothma can be seen leading the Rebel Alliance on Yavin IV in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but she's no longer there just a few days later during the events of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.. She would later approach Jyn Erso for help in learning the truth about the Death Star. Daarna werd ze de Chief of State van de Rebel Alliance en leidde ze de Alliance naar de overwinning op het Galactic Empire. Add to Favourites. Mon legde zich neer bij de beslissing van de raad, maar zij wilde wel ten strijde trekken. The Senator from Chandrila maintains the diplomatic tradition of her homeworld, which espouses outspoken and frank political discussion and even dissent. She was a firm believer in democracy and opposed Chancellor Palpatine's amassing of executive power during the Clone Wars. Along with General Madine and Admiral Ackbar, she briefed Alliance forces on the Battle of Endor, which saw the destruction of the Second Death Star and the death of Emperor Palpa… Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Toward the end of The Dark Times, Palpatine finally loses patience with Mon Mothma's outspoken opposition and covert operations with resistance groups. Granted, she's not the most dynamic character, but this sculpt is actually reserved and appropriate. She is there with other Rebel Leaders. The party has been sooooo awesome!! Tijdens de Clone Wars werd het ook voor Mon Mothma duidelijk dat Palpatine niet altijd zuiver op de graad acteerde. Biography. O'Reilly originally had a role to play in Revenge of the Sith, only to be cut from the film. This won't be O'Reilly's first time filling the shoes of Mothma. Mothma was een kleine vrouw met rood haar die zich volledig inzette voor het volk. Mon Mothma gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! In een kuststad aan de Silver Sea groeide ze op aan de zijde van haar moeder Tanis, de Governor van Hanna en haar vader, een Arbiter-General in de Galactic Republic. Niet lang later kreeg ze het bericht van Tenzigo Weems dat Raddus toch ten strijd was getrokken naar Scarif. She pursued peace during the Clone Wars, but she was willing to fight to restore democracy to the galaxy. Vol afschuw zag ze hoe Palpatine het Galactic Empire oprichtte en de Jedi betichtte van verraad. Senator Chief of State Commander-in-Chief, Quote: "The Emperor has made a critical error and the time for our attack has come." Languages: Basic, Bothese, Mon Calamarian, Sullustese, Reflex Defense: 19 (Flat-Footed: 19), Fortitude Defense: 18, Will Defense: 22, Ranged: Hold-Out Blaster Pistol +6 (3d4+4), Special Actions: Born Leader, Coordinate (+1), Presence, Abilities: Strength 8, Dexterity 11, Constitution 10, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 15, Charisma 17, Talents: Born Leader, Coordinate (+1), Distant Command, Presence, Feats: Linguist, Skill Focus (Deception), Skill Focus (Gather Information), Skill Focus (Knowledge (Bureaucracy)), Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Persuasion), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill Training (Knowledge (Galactic Lore)), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Skills: Deception +17, Gather Information +17, Initiative +9, Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +16, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +11, Knowledge (Social Sciences) +11, Perception +16, Persuasion +17, Stealth +9, Use Computer +16, Possessions: Hold-Out Blaster Pistol, Comlink (Short-Range), Datapad, Holorecorder, 500 credits. Mothma liet best blijken dat ze Raddus' beslissing waardeerde. Shortly after, the Ghost crew escorted Mothma to a secret location; there, she put out a call for other rebel cells to join her. He orders her arrest by ISB agents, but she narrowly escapes capture thanks to a tip from Bail Organa. She couldn’t have made it through her political career without learning to play the game. Na haar was er geen enkele Chancellor of politicus die haar plaats kon innemen. She is a character rich with history and deserves a spin-off that sees her as the hero of her own story. Mon Mothma also tutors Bail Organa's daughter, Leia Organa, in diplomatic and political affairs, preparing her to succeed her father as Alderaan's representative in the Senate and eventually lead a galaxy-spanning resistance movement. Op een bepaald moment trad Mon Mothma af als Chancellor aangezien ze ernstig ziek was. In 0 BBY bevond Mon zich op Yavin 4 toen Jyn Erso werd bevrijd om vervolgens als contactpersoon te fungeren met Saw Gerrera. Mon Mothma not only represents Chandrila's interests in galactic affairs, but speaks out for the rights of individual local systems as Imperial policies begin depriving them of their rights to self-governance. Check out Mon Mothma data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Mon Mothma will be portrayed by Genevieve O’Reilly, who looks more than a little like Caroline Blakiston, the actress who originated the part back in 1983. Niet lang daarna verliet Mothma Yavin 4 en kreeg Jan Dodonna opnieuw de leiding over de basis. Mothma zelf bleef de titel van Senator verkiezen, ook al maakte ze niet langer deel uit van de Senaat. Mon Mothma was a Republic Senator who was one of the founders, and later the leader of the Rebel Alliance. Mon Mothma in Home One. Amikor a Galaktikus Birodalom leváltotta a Köztársaságot, ami több ezer évig létezett, találkozott a Szenátusban a szövetségeseivel, mint Padmé Amidala és Bail Organa. Mon-Mothma NEWS!! Na de Galactic Civil War werd ze de eerste Chancellor van de New Republic. JKR - Mon Mothma will not … Mon Mothma se na narodila na světě Chandrila. Hierdoor stond ze aan de top van de 'wanted'-lijst van het Empire en vluchtte ze weg vanop Coruscant en gaf ze haar zetel op in de Senate. Genevieve O'Reilly was chosen to portray the role due to her resemblance to Caroline Blakiston. Ze raadde Bail Organa aan om te protesteren maar de militaristische aanpak en de inname van verschillende planeten zoals Kashyyyk deden haar wijselijk afzien van deze vraag. 2. Mon Mothma might seem quiet and fair, but don’t underestimate her sense of conniving. After publicly speaking out against Emperor Palpatine she was hunted by the Empire but saved by several of the heroes of Star Wars Rebels. Mon Mothma is beloved by Star Wars fans due to her involvement in the major events of the series. Daarna werd ze de Chief of State van de Rebel Alliance en leidde ze de Alliance naar de overwinning op het Galactic Empire. Mon Mothma was a human female with auburn hair, pale blue-green eyes, and light skin. 0 Favourites. However, most of her scenes were cut from the final film. Život. De Delegation of 2000 vergaderde in de appartementen van Bail Organa en Padmé Amidala en sprak over de onrust in het universum. Mon Mothma was ook één van de eersten die de de Petition of 2000 ondertekende, al was ze net als Organa niet van de partij om de petitie persoonlijk aan Palpatine te overhandigen. Mothma sloot de Galactic Concordance en bleef politiek actief. Mon Mothma and Rebel Fighter allies have a 100% chance to assist each other whenever they use an ability during their turn, dealing 90% less damage (limit once per turn per ally). Though she first appeared in the movie Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, she is better know for her role in the games based in the Star Wars universe. The final Rebel in our 1.5 re-look series will be Mon Mothma. Star Wars Wiki is een FANDOM Films Community. Mon Mothma was another character that I'm suprised we never got in the vintage line. When someone who wanted to replace her as chancellor tried to manipulate Mothma in Aftermath: Empire’s End , she showed she wasn’t afraid to play just outside the lines and display her resourcefulness. Samen met Bail Organa probeerde Mon om de verschillende rebellencellen te verenigen. -- Mon Mothma. Mon Mothma, a native of Chandrila, was an important political figure from the waning days of the Galactic Republic, one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chief of State of the New Republic during the Clone Wars.. Senator in de politieke arena discussion and even dissent, the New Republic opzeggen haar. 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